Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Win or Lose, Republicans win
These poll numbers have got me thinking: If Bush wins, great for Republicans. If Bush loses, great for Republicans. To wit:

-If Bush wins, he becomes bigger in America than Clinton could ever hope to be (this of course, makes the assumption that Bush isn't going to bone an intern and then committ perjury). Not to mention, it'll be a mandate to step up the war on terror, stack the hell out of the judiciary, and keep faith based initiatives going strong.

-If Bush loses, he will be the most successful one term president in history. You can complain about job growth all you want, but Hoover is remembered because of the Great Depression, and we are not in the Great Depression. 5, 10, 15 years from now, what are people going to remember: 9/11 or how little 21k job growth in February is*? Not to mention, Bush will become a huge asset for the Republican Party in terms of fund raising and elections: he loves politics and loves campaigning. In fact, if Bush loses, and four years down the road Kerry has destroyed the country (I think Vegas has his odds on that around 3:2), could anyone deny the appeal of the 9/11 leader coming back to do a Grober** Cleveland? But of course, the greatest gain of a 2004 Kerry win--Hillary will not be able to run in 2008.

But, what happens to Democrats?

-If Kerry wins, since it has almost become a mathematical impossibility for Dems to retake Congress, you will have the most ticked off congress in American History. Forget Reconstruction, the Republican Party will foam at the mouth because our Golden Boy will have essentially lost just because of horrible horrible dirty campaigning. Want your health care plan, President Kerry? Sorry. Liberal judges, President Kerry? Sorry, we still want Estrada. Raise taxes, Mr. Kerry? There goes your party's chances in the midterms. This, of course, all belies the fact that Kerry will destroy this country. His plans for health care, job creation, etc. etc...they all exist because Kerry says raising taxes on the wealthiest americans will pay for it...problem is, they're about $300 billion dollars short. Foreign policy too--why would North Korea slow down its weapons programs when we're electing the Dove? Why would terrorists in Israel stop killing? We just kicked the most pro-Israeli militancy president out! Same with Al-Qaida. Make no mistake, a win for Kerry will galvanize terrorists all over.

-Furthermore, a Kerry win annoints him the Dem figurehead. Does he inspire? No.

-If Kerry loses, its a wash, and the Dems get what happens when Bush wins above.

That is all.

*Anyone remember the reverence with which his father was covered in 2000? His recession was devastating and now he's considered an elder statesman.
**I know his name is Grover--it should be Grober. How cool would a muppet president be?

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