Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Not a Penny For the Law School
The law school has been bugging the class above me for donations. They have set up a class committee to exert peer pressure to get the 3Ls to give to support the school so they can trumpet a 95% giving rate to alumni. Well here is my preemptive response for next year - I will not give a dime. Not until there is more ideological balance at this school. That means at least offering Richard Epstein the chance to teach a seminar when he is a block a way at Hoover for several months each winter. That means getting promising professors who don't toe the ideological line to visit here before we have to compete with several schools (i.e. Eugene Volokh). That means having the administration support the Federalist Society as much as it supports ACS (I wonder where ACS, the far left group, gets all its money.....maybe from a slush fund or two?).

So don't bug me next year. Actually please bug me. I'll send this same post out again. Until Stanford Law School starts acting like a true free market place of ideas, I'll urge my friends and other alumni not to bother giving money to it.
Update - I don't know if ACS actually gets money from the Administration. I just have a hunch. Nor do I care if they get money - just so long as we get relatively equal support in this hostile environment that is otherwise known as Stanford Law.

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